Wednesday, 29 June 2011

Aida Arenas

Abg Freddie is here, hit me baby one more time ! Here is the new MMORPG brawler, by watching the video above *it make my job easier, shh dont tell anybody* it preeetttyyy much explain how the gameplay looks like.

From my observation, the graphics of the game look nice. Even the gameplay looks fast and solid. Aida Arenas provide 5 classes for gamers to choose such as Gladiator , Ninja, Fighter, Cleric, and Priestess. Each class has their own pros and cons, hundreds of skill and items available. There are 2 mode * i believe it is* Story mode and Multiplayer battle mode. Story mode *i think* is where you can do multiple types of quest by partying with your friends to earn experience and money. Multiplayer battle mode is an arena where you can PVP with other player *even stabbed your own friend, without fearing that he'll die*. You can even play group pvp in Multiplayer battle mode. The closed beta started tomorrow, 30/6/2011, and you need to earn your beta key to play in beta phase *you might get free items if you play in beta phase * 

Here is the link for free beta key :

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